Press Release

CDPS Statement Regarding Veto of HB 18-1427

(June 5, 2018) On Monday, June 4, Governor Hickenlooper vetoed House Bill 18-1427. In relation to this action, the Colorado Department of Public Safety has released this statement:

The Colorado Department of Public Safety and its divisions abide by the values of honor, integrity, fairness and transparency in all that we do. We agree that conflicts of interest should play no role in the decisions being made by governing bodies, including the appointed boards that CDPS supports.

Colorado to Host International Expert on Link between Pornography & Sexual Violence

(June 4, 2018) -- Readily available and aggressively marketed online, pornography has become a default sex educator for many young people. Its influence is shaping sexual expectations and norms, with serious implications for young people's capacity to understand and negotiate consent, mutual respect, and gender equality. There is growing concern internationally that porn's influence is contributing to cultural conditions that cultivate sexual assault.

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month

(Jan. 2, 2018) -- January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month across the country, with various events, trainings and campaigns happening in Colorado to raise awareness of this pervasive problem. The Colorado Human Trafficking Council encourages members of the public to get educated and get involved.

Grant will enable CDHS, CDPS to Combat Human Trafficking

(Oct. 23, 2017) The Colorado Department of Human Services (CDHS) announced today that it has been awarded $1,413,747 in funding from the U.S. Department of Justice's Office of Justice Programs to combat human trafficking and provide vital services to trafficking victims.

The grant will help CDHS and the Colorado Department of Public Safety (CDPS) develop a joint, comprehensive strategy to combat human trafficking in Colorado and provide services to work with the child victims and survivors, starting them on a path to recovery.

Register now for Child Sexual Abuse Prevention & Intervention Conference

(Aug. 16, 2017) -- The Colorado School Safety Resource Center (CSSRC) will host a Child Sexual Abuse Prevention and Intervention Conference from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 28. Registration for the event is now open, the event is an excellent training opportunity for school administrators, teachers, school safety team members, mental health professionals, law enforcement officers responsible for school safety and non-profit partners.

Colorado Department of Public Safety 


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