Press Release

Colorado School Safety Resource Center Offers Top 10 Tips For Parents With Children Returning to In-Person Learning

(Aug. 2, 2021) -- After more than a year of change, parents and students may feel uncertain heading into the upcoming school year. Experts with the Colorado School Safety Resource Center (the Center) within the Colorado Department of Public Safety have noticed that while many parents are excited for a return to fully in-person schooling, they are also concerned about how to make that transition as smooth and emotionally safe as possible for their children.

2021 Domestic Violence Management and Sex Offender Management annual conference slated for July 14-16

(May 19, 2021) -- Registration is now open for the 2021 Colorado Domestic Violence Management and Sex Offender Management Boards annual conference. The conference will take place online July 14-16, 2021.

The fields of sex offender and domestic violence offender management and treatment continue to evolve, and this annual conference offers opportunities to learn about the latest research, and innovative approaches to treatment or supervision, as well as to obtain new skills and collaborate with others in the field. 

Colorado Department of Public Safety 


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