Rulemaking at CDPS
The Colorado Department of Public Safety is committed to governmental transparency in our stakeholder engagement and to comply with the provisions of the State Administrative Procedure Act, Section 24-4-101, et seq., of the Colorado Revised Statutes for rulemaking and regulatory procedures.
Stakeholder Engagement and Accessibility
The process of adopting, reviewing, and changing rules and regulations is a public one. We encourage your participation in our rulemaking process. Please see the information below for upcoming rulemaking hearings and how to submit comments. You are always welcome to attend any hearings associated with the rulemaking process, and your comments and questions will be taken into consideration during the rulemaking process.
We are committed to providing equitable access to our services, including the rulemaking process. Our ongoing accessibility efforts strive to align with the current Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) version, level AA criteria and to comply with the accommodation requests under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
For more information, any questions you have, including accommodation requests or assistance in accessing our rulemaking documents and participating in our rulemaking hearings, please contact the Department Rules Administrator Christine Moreno via email or by phone 719-343-0995.
All Colorado Department of Public Safety rules currently in effect are available on the Secretary of State’s Website.
CDPS Regulatory Report and Agenda
CDPS 2024 Regulatory Report
The CDPS Regulatory Report of all rulemaking activities in the Department for calendar year 2024 can be found here in PDF format or here in docx format. This report includes cyclical rule reviews, new rules adopted, repealed rules, and amended rules adopted and includes a brief summary of the actions taken and the statutory authority, if applicable.
CDSP 2025 Regulatory Agenda
The CDPS Regulatory Agenda of all planned and anticipated rulemaking activities in the Department for calendar year 2025 can be found here in PDF format or here in docx format. This agenda includes cyclical rule reviews, planned rule amendments, and new rules authorized by statute.
Rulemaking Updates and Public Hearings
Proposed and completed rulemaking for the calendar year are listed below. Stakeholder notices include drafts of the the proposed new or amended rules along with invitations and information for stakeholder and public comments. Upcoming rulemaking hearing announcements include the draft of the proposed rules, information on the meeting time, date and virtual platform/link (hearings are held virtually unless otherwise noted), and invitation to submit comments before the hearing. Completed rulemaking hearings include the adopted rules, hearing exhibits, and hearing information. Rulemaking hearings are held to review and to update rules and regulations to remain consist with Colorado statutes, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) and/or national criteria.
CDPS is committed to the full inclusion of all individuals. As part of this commitment, CDPS will ensure reasonable accommodations are provided to enable all people to engage fully in our trainings, meetings and events. To request accommodations, please contact Rules Administrator, Christine Moreno at or by phone 719-343-0995, at least two (2) weeks prior to the hearing/meeting. Please contact Rules Administrator, Christine Moreno at or by phone 719-343-0995, if you need any of the materials translated into a language other than English or provided in an alternative format for accessibility.
Proposed Rulemaking
Division of Fire Prevention and Control
The Division of Fire Prevention and Control is in the planning process to adopt proposed new rules for Wildfire Resiliency Codes as established by the Wildfire Resiliency Board under the oversight of the Division. Additionally, the Division is in the planning process to adopt proposed new rules for the enforcement of the Wildfire Resiliency Codes by the Division's Fire and Life Safety Section. These rules are developed and promulgated under the statutory authority of §24-33.5-1236(4)(b) and § 24-33.5-1237(2)(d), respectively, as enacted in SB 23-166.
The Colorado Wildfire Resiliency Code Board will hold formal public hearings to receive comments on the draft 2025 Colorado Wildfire Resiliency Code v0.3 2025Feb28 and associated rules. Public hearings will be held in person through April 2025 in Glenwood Springs, Montrose, Sterling, and Castle Rock. Dates and locations will be posted here and on the DFPC public website, Wildfire Resiliency Code Board page as soon as they are determined.
Here is a coordinating reference State map for the 2025 Colorado Wildfire Resiliency Code.
The public and any interested parties are invited to provide comments submitted to the Wildfire Resiliency Code Board at
The notice of pubic hearing to adopt the Colorado Wildfire Resiliency Code Rules will be posted here as soon as the time and date are determined.
Upcoming Public Hearings
8 CCR 1507-21 Rules and Regulations Concerning Criminal History Records of Volunteers and Employees of Charitable Organizations
Wednesday, April 2, 2025 - 11:00am MDT
The Colorado Bureau of Investigation is conducting a public hearing to adopt proposed amended rules 8 CCR 1507-21 Criminal History Records of Volunteers and Employees of Charitable Organizations. The purpose of the proposed rules amendment is to update the procedure for requesting qualified entity status and for obtaining a criminal history records check as well as to update formatting for accessibility and to correct minor formatting and grammatical errors.
The hearing will be held virtually via the Google Meet platform and may be attended via the internet or by phone dial-in: or phone (US) +1 347-699-3936 PIN: 695 361 237#
The hearing and hearing attendance is recorded as part of the rulemaking record in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (§ 24-4-101, et. seq., C.R.S).
We invite public comments on this proposed rulemaking. Written comments may be submitted by email to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation Biometric Identification and Records Unit at CDPS, by phone at 303-239-4208, or by postal service to CBI Biometric Identification and Records Unit, 690 Kipling St., Lakewood, CO 80215. Comments may also be submitted to CDPS Rules Administrator, Chris Moreno, at or by phone at 719-343-0995.
Please submit any advance comments by 5 p.m., Friday March 28, 2025 in order for comments to be included in the prehearing exhibits. We will also take public comments during the hearing.
A draft of the proposed amended rules is available here in docx format and here in pdf format.
CDPS is committed to providing accessible access to our services, including rulemaking. To request accommodations for this public hearing or for digital content, please contact CDPS Rules Administration, Chris Moreno, at or by phone at 719-343-0995, or email the CDPS Accessibility Team at Please request accommodations no later than 5:00pm MDT Wednesday, March 19, 2025 to allow time to arrange the requested accommodation.
8 CCR 1507-82 Colorado Telecommunications Security Registration Program
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 - 10:30am MDT
The Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management is conducting a public hearing to amend emergency rules 8 CCR 1507-82 Colorado Telecommunications Security Registration Program and adopt the amended rules as permanent. The purpose of the proposed rules amendment is to update and correct incorporations by reference and to remove Article 5.3 Late Fees Non-Compliance, which was still under determination at the time of emergency rulemaking. The proposed permanent rules establish the registration, compliance, and reporting process for telecommunications providers with critical telecommunications infrastructure in Colorado to certify compliance with security provisions involving equipment replacement or removal from federally banned entities.
The hearing will be held virtually via the Google Meet platform and may be attended via the internet or by phone dial-in: or phone (US) +1 470-242-8934 PIN: 993 979 456#
The hearing and hearing attendance is recorded as part of the rulemaking record in accordance with the Administrative Procedure Act (§ 24-4-101, et. seq., C.R.S).
We invite public comments on this proposed rulemaking. Written comments may be submitted by email to the DHSEM Office of Grants Management at, to Telecommunications Security Registration Program administrator, Austin Geddis, at 720-519-5818, or to CDPS Rules Administrator, Chris Moreno, at
Please submit any advance comments by 5 p.m., Friday March 15, 2025 in order for comments to be included in the prehearing exhibits. We will also take public comments during the hearing.
A draft of the proposed amended rules is available here in docx format and here in pdf format.
CDPS is committed to providing accessible access to our services, including rulemaking. To request accommodations for this public hearing or for digital content, please contact CDPS Rules Administration, Chris Moreno, at or by phone at 719-343-0995, or email the CDPS Accessibility Team at Please request accommodations no later than 5:00pm MDT Wednesday, March 19, 2025 to allow time to arrange the requested accommodation.
Completed Rulemaking & Hearings
About CDPS Rulemaking and Stakeholder Engagement
Virtually all state government agencies issue rules or regulations of some kind. Most rules and regulations exist at the direction of the state legislature in order to regulate certain business and personal activities. Rules and regulations exist because it's easier to update them, eliminate them, or alter them administratively than it is to pass new legislation as conditions change.
CDPS Protocol: How We Engage Stakeholders
Find out how the processes CDPS uses to engage stakeholder and how you can get involved by visiting our Stakeholder Engagement Protocol Page.
For Further Rulemaking Information
CDPS Rules on the Secretary of State's Website
Learn About Rulemaking and Regulatory Review in Colorado from the Colorado Office of Policy, Research & Regulatory Reform (COPRRR) in the Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA). Additional information, including how to request a Cost-Benefit Analysis of proposed rules, make be found in this Citizen's Guide to Colorado Rulemaking published by COPRRR and also available on the DORA/COPRRR Website.
To receive CDPS regulatory notices, submit comments on CDPS Rules, and/or to request further information on CDPS Rules and rulemaking, please contact CDPS Rules Administrator, Chris Moreno, at or by phone at 719-343-0995.
To receive email notifications and updates for Notices of Rulemaking, including proposed or amended rules, adopted permanent or emergency rules, and the associated Attorney General Opinions for adopted rules as published by the Secretary of State in the Colorado Register, sign up on the Colorado Secretary of State Code of Regulations webpage.