DCJ Announces Estimated $15 Million in Grant Funding to Serve Crime Victims

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(May 29, 2019) The Office for Victims Programs (OVP), a unit of the Division of Criminal Justice within the Colorado Department of Public Safety, announces the availability of an estimated $15 million in federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Program funds for the implementation of the Extraordinary VOCA Funding Opportunity.
The grant announcement, application, instructions, and attachments will be released on Monday, June 3, and all applications must be submitted via ZoomGrants by 5 p.m. on Monday, June 28, 2019.
All projects must provide services to crime victims. This funding opportunity is geared toward agencies that are serving the following purpose areas and not currently receiving CVS funds for these services. Existing CVS grantees can apply, but funds should not be requested to supplement programming already funded by CVS funds, but to support new, innovative programming to address these specific purpose areas.
Eligible project purposes include:
  • Victim services initiatives -- not currently funded by Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) funding --serving crime victims from the following communities:
    • Older Adults
    • People of Color
    • People with Disabilities (Sensory, Psychological, Physical, and Cognitive)
    • LGBTQIA+ Individuals
    • Immigrants
    • American Indians
    • Juveniles in detention,
  • New victim services initiatives for family members of homicide victims,
  • New victim services initiatives in Early Childhood Education-12 school setting,
  • Statewide public awareness campaigns aimed at increasing crime victims‚Äô awareness of available services,
  • Local, regional, or statewide mass tragedy response planning projects,
  • New victim services initiatives in hospital settings (non-SANE/SAFE programs),
  • New victim services initiatives involving the use of mobile service program delivery.
Announcement, Application, Instructions, and Attachments will be released on Monday, June 3,and can be found on the Victims Programs Special Project page:
https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/dcj/projects-special (Click the Extraordinary VOCA Funding Opportunity drop-down box).
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